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The beautifully designed Zenith HydroTap font accessory is self-draining and gives you the freedom to install your Zenith HydroTap away from the sink area. This flexibility means you'll be able to position your HydroTap in just about any location you can think of, all you need is a little bit of imagination and a suitable drainage connection.
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Font Kit Assembly Chrome - fits Classic, Classic Plus, Touch-Free Wave, Elite and Miniboil (with extension)
*Font installation incurs an additional fee.
Zenith HydroTap Classic Plus Boiling, Chilled, Filtered water features simple, intuitive controls including continuous flow to fill bottles, Boiling water safety lock, and antimicrobial protection impregnated within the new Classic Plus touch-pad for enhanced hygiene. The water system features a single under bench command centre including full colour interactive touch screen display with pin code protection and customisable settings including 2 boiling water safety modes, 3 energy saving modes including ON/OFF timers and sensor activated 'sleep when it's dark', 'Quiet' mode with automated intelligent fan speed adjustment, antimicrobial protection impregnated into key water paths for enhanced hygiene, 100% water efficient air cooled technology, and 0.2 micron water filtration.
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