Zenith Water is committed to building a better, more sustainable world by improving both our social and environmental impact. We have partnered with sustainability consultancy, Edge Environment, to help you quantify the impact of using a HydroTap.

Simply enter your desired water type, capacity (if for a workplace) and duration of HydroTap use to understand your impact on the environment.


Environmental Impact Calculator

Comparing Zenith HydroTap {{resultData.comparison_notes}} used over

Comparing Zenith HydroTap up to {{resultData.comparison_notes}} used over

I will save:

500 mL single-use plastic bottles1

kg of plastic2

kg of CO2 eq

which is equivalent to:

Kilometres driven by a car3

Hours flown by plane5

Hours of LED lightbulb operation4

Tree seedlings grown for 10 years6

We conducted an independent-expert reviewed, ISO 14040-44 conforming Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of our award-winning HydroTap products. This LCA analysed the climate impact and resource use of our HydroTap products across their full life cycle, including acquisition of raw materials, manufacturing, distribution, usage, and disposal, and compared these impacts to relevant alternative products.

Peer-reviewed report available upon request.
Data presented is based on Australia Region
1. Based on the same volume of water consumed with Zip products and vs 500 ml PET plastic water bottles.
2. Based on the total weight of plastic used in 500 ml PET plastic water bottles, minus the total weight of plasitc used in ZIP product and packaging.
3. Distance driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle, based on US EPA https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator
4. Based on a 9 watt light-emitting diode (LED) bulb operated in Australia
5. Hours flown by Boeing 747-400 (used for long distance international flights), based on Carbon Independent https://www.carbonindependent.org/22.html
6. A medium growth coniferous or deciduous tree, planted in an urban setting and allowed to grow for 10 years, based on US EPA https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gases-equivalencies-calculator-calculations-and-references#seedlings
7. Based on externally-reviewed LCA of Zip HydroTap, product of Culligan Group. Results may change when final LCA of all other Culligan products is complete.