Store Categories

  1. HydroTap

    For Zenith filtered drinking water, any way you like it!

    HydroTap Products
  2. Filters & CO2 Cartridges

    Easily replace the sparkling canisters in your Zenith products

    Filters & CO2 Cartridges
  3. Chilled Water

    A chilled drinking water solution for every home or office

    Chilled Water Products
  4. On Wall Boiling

    Zenith Hydroboil, Autoboil and Econoboil

    On Wall Boiling Products
  5. Hot Water

    Instantaneous Hot Water units for premium energy efficiency

    Hot Water Products
  6. Washroom

    The complete touch-free washroom solution

    Washroom Products
  7. Spare Parts

    Spare parts for your Zenith product

    Spare Parts Products
  8. HydroTap Accessories

    Accessories for your HydroTap

    HydroTap Accessories
  9. HydroChill

    HydroChill Products
  10. Mixer Taps

    Non-filtered hot and cold mixer taps in a variety of finishes and styles

    Mixer Tap Products
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